The award that recognizes the pioneering sustainable initiatives of companies that accelerate SDGs achievement in Indonesia by turning the success into inspiration for others.
Registration for the Lestari Awards 2024 is now closed. We thank you for your participation while our assessors are currently reviewing all submissions. Please stay tuned for updates on the assessment process.
For any inquiries, please contact us at Customer Support.

Recognizing an organization who has implemented a project that has conserved, restored, regenerated or rehabilitated and developed sustainable ecosystems including projects that are also focused on conserving existing terrestrial or aquatic ecosystems.
GRI Indicative Reference:
- 304-3 Habitats protected and restored
Recognizing an organization which has implemented innovative methods that successfully improves reduction, recycling and reuse of solid waste as well as responsible waste disposal.
GRI Indicative Reference:
- 306-1 Waste generation and significant waste-related impacts
- 306-2 Management of significant waste-related impacts
- 306-3 Waste generated
- 306-4 Waste diverted from disposal
- 306-5 Waste directed to disposal
Recognizing an organization which has successfully curated and demonstrated long-term contribution and commitment to the protection of natural resources through sustainable management and efficient use of materials in the production of goods or services.
GRI Indicative Reference:
- 301-1 Materials used by weight
- 301-2 Recycled input materials used
- 301-3 Reclaimed products and their packaging materials
- 417-1 Requirements for product and service information and labeling
- 417-2 Incidents of non-compliance concerning product and service information and labeling
- 417-3 Incidents of non-compliance concerning marketing communications
Recognizing an organization which favors renewable energy sources in its supply and value chain. The organization exhibits originality, provides market-based solutions and environmental benefits, whilst making significant socio-economic contribution through the usage of renewable energy in its products and projects.
GRI Indicative Reference:
- 302 Energy
Recognizing an organization which has demonstrated energy efficiency and energy conservation throughout its supply and value chain, developed best energy-saving projects, whilst demonstrating energy and carbon savings, backed-up by data, with particular consideration for innovation and replicability.
GRI Indicative Reference:
- 302 Energy
Awarded to an organization who has initiated and led actions to remove barriers as well as improve work experience and engagement levels of employees and the value chain. Whilst demonstrating excellence in the delivery of services, without considering factors such as age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, social mobility, disability and gender.
GRI Indicative Reference:
- 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees
- 405-2 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men
- 406 Non-discrimination
Recognizing an organization which has developed and implemented a programs to positively impact and strengthen links with the local community and indigenous people within the locality of which the organization operates. The programs should respond to a specific need in the community and should focus on the measures taken to engage with the community and all relevant stakeholders, as well as the positive impact delivered through the programs.
GRI Indicative Reference:
- 411 Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- 413 Local Communities
Awarded to an organization which has advanced fundamental human rights and responsible labor practices throughout their operations, where they uphold fundamental human rights principles in all ways that they interact with people (employees, consumers, customers, suppliers, etc.). Examples of project including but not limited to human rights due diligence, human rights training, and flexible working hours system.
GRI Indicative Reference:
- 402 Labor/Management Relations
- 407 Freedom of Association and Collective
- 408 Child Labor
- 409 Forced or Compulsory Labor
Recognizing an organization which has developed and implemented innovative career development system and review which may include effective, consistent and all rounded training programs to enable its talents to execute business strategies and contribute to long-term success of the organization.
GRI Indicative Reference:
- 404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee
- 404-2 Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs
- 404-3 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews
Recognizing an organization which has developed and implemented effective programs to promote the health and wellbeing of employees which has contributed to the overall improvement in productivity and increase in satisfaction and morale of staff. Examples of project including but not limited to provision of regular health care screening for employee, adoption innovative technologies to prevent work-related accident, employee training on mental health, smoking cessation program, and provision of healthy work environment.
GRI Indicative Reference:
- 403 Occupational Health & Safety
- 402 Labor/Management Relations
- 401-2 Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees
Recognizing organizations which have created a comprehensive strategy in improving the adoption of best ESG practices in its supply chain and empowering the supplier in sustainable practices. The strategy might include sustainable supplier selection and evaluation, utilization of green materials, etc. Examples of project including but not limited to supplier selection and evaluation on ESG aspects, adoption of circular economy models, utilization of technology in regards to sustainable supply chain, utilization of eco-friendly or green logistic delivery and distribution, Green product design and packaging.
GRI Indicative Reference:
- 308 Supplier Environmental Assessment
- 402 Labor/Management Relations
- 414 Supplier Social Assessment
Recognizing organizations which have developed progressive and innovative partnerships which have led to positive and sustainable impacts on communities and/or the environment. This can be demonstrated in strong, long-term partnerships (more than 2 years) which are mutually beneficial with tangible outcomes/impacts to society and/or the environment.
KG Media Lestari
Lestari is KG Media's commitment to accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda. Through KG Media's network, we are organizing a series of collective actions to achieve them. SDGs is an agenda of the United Nations and countries around the world to drive progress in multiple sectors by prioritizing human rights and equality in social, economic and environmental development.